So somewhere along the line, my finder’s sort got out of whack, and it would not sort things alphabetically. I found this post by Brett Taylor which gave me the answer I was looking for. Very grateful for helpful tips like this!
Tag archives for mac
Nice not to have to download a whole app just to see hidden files in Finder: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES or defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO Thanks Macworld!
Sadly at my new place of employment, they still use Exchange server for their emails. They set my mac up with Microsoft Entourage 2008, and I’ve been working through that. When daylight savings time changed, all my emails were saying they were coming in an hour earlier than they actually were. I didn’t have time…
I bought a mac just the other day, and upgraded immediately to snow leopard. Everything went fine, until I tried to watch a DVD. The “DVD Player” application tried to start, but then died with the following error There was an initialization error. The current machine or system configuration is not supported [-70013] I dug…
I believe its default is set to 10min (way to long for a professional-use application). Here’s a great tutorial on how to change the auto-refresh interval. It’s easy and takes about 2 mins. Note: The only thing left out, is that you need to quit the notifier, and restart it for the preferences to…