A brief update to my post a couple days ago about switching to Ting. Last Thursday they were able to open the “BYOD” (bring your own device) program to LTE devices, so I made the switch for our last line on Sprint — an HTC EVO 4G LTE (TOO BAD IT HAS TO BE ALL CAPS). Even though my device wasn’t officially supported yet it was super simple.
I sent an email to a gentleman over there, he cleared my ESN before me attempting to make the move and then I filled out the form to submit the actual port request from Sprint to Ting. 3 hours later (after their normal business hours), my line had been ported and I just needed to follow a couple easy instructions they guided me to on their knowledge base.
So now it looks like I’ll be saving $90 each month, for better service and features than with Sprint! I’m really happy for finding Ting, and can no longer find a downside to switching to them. If you’re curious or want to sign up, save $25 and use my link: https://zdocstl202.ting.com/
Sorry dude, I was with you right up until I saw their plans. I get unlimited everything for 60$ a month….still have not found a way to beat that. However, have you heard of http://www.solavei.com
If they really pay you…that would be awesome!!
Unlimited is great if you’re using that much. I have one friend who uses his phone as his primary internet connection, and it wouldn’t make sense to switch to Ting. Based on my usage, my bill last month was something around $31, it wasn’t for unlimited, but I don’t need or use unlimited. Compared to $85 with Sprint, I’m really happy :) Glad you have service that’s working great for you! !
Makes sense