Family Archives

  1. We’re Moving to Idaho

    We’re following our family’s dreams and moving to the mountains of Idaho!   My wife’s blog post is more heartfelt and has pictures if you’d like to know the more emotional side to why we’re moving.  So if you’re into that stuff, feel free to read through :) Colorado’s been an incredible experience, full of…

  2. Sitting with 3yr old daughter for the past 45 mins while she’s trying to go to sleep.  Now she’s singing “♪ ray, a drop of golden sun.  Me, a name, I call myself ♪”.  Uggghhhh, I’m writing this to stay sane; but she’s adorable.

  3. 3 Generations

    Visiting with Grandparents for a few days. We all took a nice walk this morning down a canal road with 3 generations of ladies; Emma wouldn’t let me anyone hold her for long, she had to walk :)